crack the code wheeler dealers 1. "crack the code" is typically slang for breaking into encrypted messages or systems without authorization, or solving an encrypted message or system with cleartext. 2. "wheeler dealers" is typically used to describe someone who engages in different illegal activities, especially those related to drugs, guns, and smuggling. Wheeler dealer can also be used to describe someone who trades securities on market corners without openly showing the transactions; it can also be used as a verb describing this type of activity (peddling stocks).This morning I was reading my newspaper and found an article about "crack the code wheeler dealers". This is something I had never heard of before. Is there some kind of underground drug dealer called "crack the code wheeler dealers" or is this just some sort of joke? Because I'm in prison for life for murder, I was looking up the definition of crack the code when I came across this article. I'd like to know what do they mean by "crack the code wheeler dealers". Thanks in advance. Although these folks in their 60's are anything but politically incorrect, in reference to their recent "cracking" problem, they are at least old enough to know better than to let their mature vocabulary mislead the uninitiated. I'm sure I know the "code" they are talking about, but I thought it was common knowledge. The article is about some folks who had to hire a realtor to sell their house because they were unable to get their asking price. I think the moral of this story is that you should never hire anyone who can't "crack the code". Thanks for bringing this to my attention. "Wheeler dealers" = drug dealers. I'm in prison for life for murder and am fascinated by words. Recently, I came across the word "code crackers." What does this mean? Can you please help me out here. In reference to your question, I will give you a little history on the term "code crackers". The word "code cracking" is a term that originates from World War II. While observing enemy messages, cryptologists would break the code of the message and then try to understand its meaning. This term is also used in reference to computers, programs that decipher codes or decode messages.Suppose you have a secret message from your friend who is stranded on an island. You have been given a code book with the corresponding letters set out in alphabetical order so that you can decipher your friend's message. Please refer to the following image. In this example, the message "Let's meet at the park" has been coded. The two sentences represent a plain language version of "Let's meet at the park". It is important to remember that even though you have been given a code, you still have to break it in order to decipher the actual meaning of what was intended. So, in order to solve this problem, you must first break the code. In order to do this a cryptologist would use a program that would take plain English words and replace them with meanings that corresponded with their positions in alphabetical order. 8eeb4e9f32 31
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